The EMMG normally meets three times a year. All meetings include a technical session and a tour of the host company’s melt shop. Sectional Meetings are held in the fall and spring, on a Thursday and Friday, at various locations throughout North America. The format is informal, round table, open discussion. Problems or questions may be submitted to the chairman prior to the meeting or from the floor. Any and all persons with knowledge of the problem are encouraged to present a solution gathered from their experiences. The melt shop visit is usually Thursday afternoon.

The Annual Meeting is held the third week in June at a site located at or near the Guild President’s melt shop. On Wednesday, Guild members present papers at the morning and afternoon technical sessions.

The annual business meeting follows with the election of officers. Wednesday evening is the President’s banquet. Technical papers are presented on Thursday morning with a tour of the president’s melt shop in the afternoon. On Friday morning, the annual meeting concludes with round table, open discussions related to individual types of melting or specialization.

Information is freely discussed at each meeting. However, to foster the free dissemination of information, the Guild does not publish the proceedings of any meetings.

Click here to download the Robert’s Rules for meetings

There is an Electric Steel Makers Guild in the United Kingdom. It is patterned after the EMMG and a very close relationship is maintained between the two Guilds. The president of the EMMG and the ESMG are guests at each other’s annual meeting. The EMMG and the ESMG held a second joint meeting in the UK in 2001.

There is an open invitation between the two Guilds to allow members to visit melt shops in their respective countries.

* Alumni are invited to all future annual meetings.





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