Adherence to the EMMG by-laws as allowed the organization to continue to meet its sole purpose of promoting progress in the development and manufacture of metals treated in electric melting furnaces by cooperative actions taken for the exchange of information of mutual interest to our members.
ARTICLE I. – Name & Purpose
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the Electric Metal Makers Guild, Inc.
Section 2.
The purpose of the Guild shall be to promote progress in the development and manufacture and use of metals produced, refined, or treated wholly or partially in electric melting furnaces; and in various ways to assist those engaged in the industries concerned, by cooperative actions that may be taken consistently for the exchange of information of mutual interest and to collect and disseminate such information as may be of value to our members.*
ARTICLE II. – Membership
Section 1.
Any person who is directly responsible for the melting operation in the manufacture of metal produced, refined, or treated wholly or partially in electric melting furnaces shall be eligible for membership.* These may include Melt Shop Managers (Superintendents), Furnace General Supervisors (Furnace Day Supervisors), and Melters (Melting Supervisors) and engineers / analysist’s responsible for day to day process practices and/or process control.**
Section 2.
Membership in the Guild shall consist of persons regularly engaged in the melting of metals in electric melting furnaces for the production of steel, alloys, gray and malleable iron and non-ferrous metals.
Section 3.
There shall be four classes of membership–Full Membership, Life Membership, Emeritus Membership and Honorary Membership.
- Full Membership – There may be more than two members from one plant provided that none are engaged directly in sales and conditional upon advancement of a present member to a higher position, and further provided that there shall be only two votes from one plant regardless of the number of members from that plant, the voting members to be decided upon by the members from that plant and the Secretary so notified in writing thirty (30) days before the annual meeting.*
- Life Membership – Past Presidents upon completion of term of office shall be given “Life Membership”.
- Emeritus Membership – Any member who having been in the Guild for not less than twenty years or upon his retirement from active duty, shall upon his request and upon approval of the Executive Committee be considered a “Member Emeritus” without voting privileges.
- Honorary Membership – Any person may be elected an Honorary Member of the Guild by the unanimous vote of all members of the Guild, but an Honorary Member does not have a vote. Nominations for Honorary Membership shall be made to the Guild by the Executive Committee.
Section 4.
Any Full Member must attend at least one of every three successive annual meetings. Failure to do so shall be deemed his resignation and he shall be so notified by the Secretary. Life Members, Members Emeritus and Honorary Members are not bound by this section of the By-Laws.
Section 5.
An eligible person, desiring to become a member, shall make such a request to the 2nd Vice-President. The 2nd Vice-President will advise the applicant regarding membership requirements. If the requirements are met, the applicant will be furnished a blank application. The completed application will be returned to the 2nd Vice-President, who checks it, and forwards it onto the Membership Committee. If three-fourths of the Membership Committee approves the application, it is forwarded onto the Assistant Secretary. The Assistant Secretary will issue a 30 day letter to the active Guild membership. If after 30 days, there are no objections, the applicant will be notified of his/her acceptance. If an abjection is received, the application and objection are returned to the Membership Committee for action. After considering the objection, the Membership Committee may approve or reject the applicant. If the objection is such that the Membership Committee does not want to take the responsibility of the decision, the applicant with the objection attached thereto, will be transferred to the Executive Committee. If an objection is based upon hearsay, misinformation, or lack of information, the 2nd Vice-President will, although it is not mandatory, obtain and submit to the objector any information which might be necessary to give both the objector and the applicant a fair hearing.*
Section 6.
Should any member of the Guild other than Emeritus, Life or Honorary Member change his vocation so as to no longer be engaged in the production of metals, ferrous and non-ferrous, in electric melting furnaces, particularly the entering into sales or service to the metal industry as the principal means of earning his livelihood, then in that event his membership in the Guild shall cease and terminate as of the date of his change in vocation and he shall be so notified by the Secretary. Should the member subsequently revert to his former status as to vocation, he shall automatically be eligible to his former class of membership without payment of initiation fee.*
*See Appendix A & B. Amendment approved by the executive committee on the 25th day of June, 2008.
** Article II section one amended to include technical members amended and approved at the annual meeting June 24, 2014.
ARTICLE III. – Fees, Dues & Assessments
Section 1.
An entrance fee of $25.00 shall be paid to the Treasurer at time of application for membership. The annual dues shall be set by the Executive Committee. Life and Honorary memberships will carry no dues requirements. Emeritus membership dues shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 2.
Dues for the current year shall be payable in advance upon admission. The calendar year of the Guild shall end December 31st of each year. Any member who becomes two years in arrears in dues shall be given 30 days to clear his account. After this date he shall be automatically dropped as a member of the Guild. He shall not become a member of the Guild thereafter until he has been accepted by the Executive Committee.
Section 3.
The Treasurer shall mail statements of dues to the membership 90 days prior to the due date.
ARTICLE IV. – Officers
Section 1.
The officers of the Guild shall consist of a President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, and a Secretary-Treasurer and “Officer at Large”. * The office of Secretary-Treasurer may be divided into Secretary and Treasurer.
*Amendment approved by the executive committee the 25th day of June, 2008.
ARTICLE V. – Committees
Section 1.
The President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, together with the last surviving six past presidents shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Guild.
Section 2.
The Executive Committee, with the exception of the President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice- President, and Secretary-Treasurer, shall constitute a nominating committee for the nomination of elective officers of the Guild.
ARTICLE VI. – Election of Officers
Section 1.
The election of all officers shall be conducted at the annual meeting of the Guild to be held in June of each year. It shall be within the discretion of the Executive Committee to take the vote for election of officers by letter ballot, such ballot to be reported at the annual meeting. Notice of the annual meeting shall be mailed to all members in good standing not less than 30 days prior to the date of the meeting.
Section 2.
The terms of office for President and 1st Vice-President shall be one year and those of 2nd Vice-President and Secretary- Treasurer shall be two years or until their successors may be elected and qualified. The terms of office shall begin on July 1. The following officers may not succeed themselves: President, 1st Vice-President and 2nd Vice- President.
ARTICLE VII. – Duties of Officers
Section 1.
The Executive Committee shall fill, by appointment, all vacancies for unexpired terms of office.
Section 2.
The Executive Committee or the President shall appoint the Membership Committee consisting of four members, who shall be appointed with regard to the most advantageous geographical location.
Section 3.
The President shall perform the duties usually devolving upon the presiding officer and shall be Chairman of the Executive Committee.
Section 4.
The 1st Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President when the latter is prevented for any reason from performing the duties of the office.
Section 5.
The 2nd Vice-President shall assist the President and 1st Vice-President and be responsible for the membership.
Section 6.
The Secretary will arrange for the preparation and filing in suitable manner of records of all meetings of the Guild, the Executive Committee and all other Committees. He shall file the reports of all officers. He shall perform all such other secretarial duties that maybe assigned to him by the Executive Committee.
Section 7.
The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds of the Guild. The Treasurer shall annually submit to the Executive Committee, or at any other time when requested, a financial statement of his accounts, showing all receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer’s books shall be available in his office for inspection by any member in good standing at all reasonable times, and shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the Executive Committee upon written request therefore.
Section 1.
It is contemplated that the work of the Guild may be carried on Satisfactorily for considerable periods without the necessity for holding meetings of the members during such periods. Meetings of the members and the Executive Committee shall be held at the call of the President or 1st Vice-President.
Section 2.
The annual meeting shall be held in June of each year at a time and place designated by the Executive Committee.
Section 3.
At all meetings of the Guild, or duly appointed committees or divisions, a majority of all members of the body in session, present in person or represented by proxy, shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4.
Annual meetings will be open only to members provided that speakers who are technicians as distinct from salesman and sales engineers may, with the approval of the Executive Committee, be invited to address joint or sectional meetings.
Section 5.
Sectional meetings may be open to non- members whose activities fulfill Guild membership requirements and to speakers as outlined in Section 4, all with the approval of the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE IX. – Amendments
Section 1.
These by-laws may be amended on the written proposal of six or more members, transmitted to any officer. Such proposal for amendment shall be subsequently submitted to all members in good standing, in a communication mailed by the Secretary, not less than 30 days prior to the date selected for decision on the proposed amendment. For the adoption of such amendment of the by-laws there shall be required:
- The favorable vote of not less than two-thirds of all members in good standing, among the individuals present in person or represented by proxy at any meeting called to consider the amendments; or
- The favorable vote in letter ballots from not less than two-thirds of all members in good standing.
ARTICLE X. – Rules of Order
Section 1.
When not otherwise provided, Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of the Guild.
Membership Eligibility
The Ladle Metallurgy Furnace Committee, appointed at the Annual Business Meeting on June 20, 1990 to clarify the qualifications for membership in the EMMG as given in ARTICLE I, Section 2 and ARTICLE II, Section 1 of the by-laws, proposed the following items. Since there are no by-laws changes, the items were approved by the Executive Committee.
- Any person directly responsible for the melting operation in an electric furnace.
- Any person directly responsible for a refining vessel having electric melting/heating capability and supplied hot metal from an electric melting furnace.
- Any person directly responsible for a refining vessel not having electric melting/heating capability must also be directly responsible for the electric furnace supplying the molten metal to that refining vessel.
Approved by the Executive Committee the 6th day of February, 1991.
Membership Eligibility and Retention
An Executive Committee motion was made and approved on February 1991 to add a statement to the by-laws to standardize the eligibility for, and retention of membership in the EMMG as it pertains to ARTICLE II, Sections 3(a), 5, and 6. It is to serve as a guideline to the Nominating and Executive Committees regarding application for membership, advancement of position, and change of company affiliation.
- Any person in a position above that of direct responsibility for electric furnace melting is not eligible for membership. (Examples: Plant Manager, Vice President of Operations)
- Any full member promoted to a higher position within his present company and retaining responsibility for electric melting operations may remain a full member. (Examples: Promotion to Plant Manager, Vice President of Operations, Executive Vice President, President)
- Any full member promoted to or in a position associated with but not directly responsible for electric furnace melting, cannot remain a full member. (Examples: Manager of Quality Control, Melting Metallurgist, Casting Superintendent, Raw Materials Manager) . In the event that the full member is part of the Executive Committee, this member may complete his/her current year until the next annual meeting to protect the best interests of the Guild (if supported by the company of moved Executive).*
- Any full member accepting a job in another company and in a position over or above direct responsibility for electric furnace melting, can remain a full member. (Examples: Plant Manager, Vice President of Operations) *
It is incumbent upon, and the responsibility of the full member to notify the Secretary of any change in job status as it pertains to items 3 and 4. Failure to do so is a reflection on the integrity of the individual and could seriously influence their reinstatement in the Guild at some future time.
Approved by the Executive Committee the 17th day of April, 1991.
*Approved by the Executive Committee the 25th day of June, 2008.