Welcome to the Electric Metal Makers Guild

The Electric Metal Makers Guild is an association made up exclusively of persons who are directly responsible for the melting operation in the manufacture of metal produced, refined, or treated wholly or partially in electric melting furnaces.

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Founded in 1933

It was founded in 1933 for the sole purpose of promoting progress in the development and manufacture of metals treated in electric melting furnaces, and to assist those engaged in the industries concerned, by cooperative actions taken for the exchange of information of mutual interest to our members.

The purpose of the Guild is to promote the development, manufacture, and use of metals produced, refined, or treated, wholly or partially, in electric melting furnaces. Its mission is to assist the metal melting industries through the exchange of information of mutual interest, and to collect and disseminate such information to the members.

About the EMMG

The Guild meets three times a year. Each meeting includes a technical session and a melt shop tour. At the technical sessions, the members’ melt shop problems are discussed and solutions presented.

Two-thirds of the melt shops in the United States and Canada have members in the EMMG. The plants they represent include integrated mills, mini-mills, specialty steel plants, foundries, forge shops, alloy producers, and powder metal shops. Melting equipment includes electric arc furnaces; ladle refining vessels, induction, vacuum induction, submerged arc, vacuum arc and electroslag remelting furnaces.

If you have the direct responsibility for melting metals in an electric furnace, you owe to yourself and your company to investigate membership in the Electric Metal Makers Guild.



Current Members & Alumni



Yearly meetings & sectionals


2/3 of melt shops

In USA & Canada have EMMG members




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